Korean Fakes & Plagiarisms - Roundup
A Part of Fakes and Arrangements of Very famous Japanese foods, Characters, Anime, etc.

Korean Japanese

Japanese original Korean fake
はるの 山びこ (1965)

author: 浜田 廣介 (Hamada Hirosuke)
illustrator: 水沢 研(Mizusawa Ken)
イソップAesopどうわ (1965)

writer: 佐藤 義美 (Sato Yoshimi)
illustrator: 小林 和子(Kobayashi Kazuko)
じゅんじゅんに だんすを して みせました。みんな、ぴょんぴょん はねあがるだけで、だんすに なって いません。
「つぎは ぼくだ。」
と、いって、きつねが だんすを しました。

まちの ねずみは よろこんで、いなかの ねずみに つれられて、いなかに あそびに いきました。
「さあ、ごちそうを たべて ください。」
と、いって、いなかの ねずみは、まちの ねずみに、しょくじを だしました。それは、おおむぎと こむぎと、くさのねでした。
(へえ。これが ごちそうだって。いなかって つまらない ところだな。)

The Elephant's Child / Rudyard Kipling
ぞうのはなはなぜ長い (1966)

translator: 前田 三恵子 (Maeda Mieko)
illustrator: 赤星 亮衛 (Akaboshi Ryoe)
Bambi: Eine Lebensgeschichte aus dem Walde / Felix Salten
こじかのバンビBambi (1969)

Writer: 槙本 ナナ子 (Makimoto Nanako)
illustlator: 清水 勝 (Shimizu Masaru)
ひとり一人で ったきり、おうさま王様は にど二度と あらわれませんでした。
「やあ、りっぱ立派な しか鹿だなあ。」
あたらしい おうさま王様だよ。」
もりの ことり小鳥たちも、バンビBambiに とれました。
「みんなを、かしこく しあわせに らさせたい。」
おうさま王様に なった バンビBambiは、じぶん自分の おぼえた ことを、みんなに おしえて いきました。
어린이 세계世界명작名作 (1971)
바람 아기 (1971)

translator: 박 목월 (Pak Mog-wol)
illustrator: 김 광배 (Kim Kwan-bae)
The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse
시골쥐 서울쥐 (1971)

translator: 박 목월 (Pak Mog-wol)
illustlator: 송 영방 (Song Yeong-bang)
차례 차례로 춤을 춰 보였읍니다. 모두들 펄쩍펄쩍 튀기만 했지, 춤이라고 할 수는 없었읍니다.
“다음은 나다!”
하고, 여우가 일어나서 춤을 추기 시작했읍니다.

서울 쥐는 기쁘게 시골 쥐를 따라서, 시골로 놀러 갔읍니다.
“자아, 맛나는 음식을 먹어 봐.”
하고, 시골 쥐가 서울 쥐에게 식사대접을 했읍니다. 그것은, 보리와 밀과 그리고 풀뿌리였읍니다.
(헷! 이것이 맛나는 음식이라고. 시골이란 시시한 곳이군.)

The Elephant's Child / Rudyard Kipling
코끼리 코는 왜 길까? (1971)

translator: 김 요섭 (Kim Yo-seop)
illustlator: 송 영방 (Song Yeong-bang)
Bambi: Eine Lebensgeschichte aus dem Walde / Felix Salten
아기 사슴 밤비Bambi (1971)

translator: 김 요섭 (Kim Yo-seop)
illustlator: 송 영방 (Song Yeong-bang)
……나타나지 않았읍니다.
“야아, 훌륭한 사슴이구나.”
“새 임금님이야.”
숲 속의 새들도 밤비Bambi늠름凛凛한 모습을 황홀恍惚하게 바라보았읍니다.
“모두를 똑똑하게 행복幸福하게 살게 하고 싶다.”
임금님이 된 밤비Bambi자기自己가 알아차린 모든 것을 여러 숲 속의 동물動物들에게 가르쳐 주며, 그들의 행복幸福을 속으로 항상恒常 빌었읍니다.
Magic carpet
そらとぶじゅうたん (1968)

writer: 森 いたる (Mori Itaru)
illustrator: 畠野 圭右 (Hatano Keiu)
「……ヌーロニハルNouronniharひめを おきさきに できなかった しかえしを、なさろうと して いるのに ちがい ありません。 このままに して おくと、いまに、この くにを とられて しまいます。」
おうさま王様は、わらいながら いました。
「そんなに うたがうなら、アーメッドAhmedが かえる とき、 だれかに あとを つけさせて、ようす様子を さぐらせたら よかろう。」
そこで、だいじん大臣は、この やくめ役目を、まほうつか魔法使いの おばあさんに いつけました。
Magic carpet
하늘을 나는 방석 (1974)

translator: 김 요섭 (Kim Yo-seop)
illustlator: 송 영방 (Song Yeong-bang)
“……누로니할Nouronnihar 공주公主님를 부인夫人으로 할 수 없었던 앙갚음을 하고자 하는 것이 틀림없읍니다.
이대로 두었다가는 곧 이 나라를 빼앗기고 말 것입니다.”
“쓸데없는 소리!”
임금님은 웃으며 말했읍니다.
“그렇게 의심疑心스럽거든, 아메드Ahmed가 왔다가 돌아갈 때 누구를 뒤따르게 하면 알 것 아냐.”
그리하여 그 대신大臣아메드Ahmed를 뒤따르는 일을 …….
Japanese picture books (1984-1997, Nagaoka-shoten, Popular-sha)

L'Oiseau bleu / Maurice Maeterlinck
青いとり (1985)

writer: 卯月泰子 (Uzuki Yasuko)
illustrator: 高橋信也 (Takahashi Shinya)
Korean picture books (Kyohak-sa)

L'Oiseau bleu / Maurice Maeterlinck
파랑새 (1994)

writer: 권숙자 (Kwon Suk-ja)
illustrator: 안병원 (An Byeong-won)
권숙자 (Kwon Suk-ja) will be a translator, not a writer. 안병원 (An Byeong-won) only reversed the original picture and changed the colors and added the scenery. In Korea, it becomes the different picture from the Japanese original.
The Deep Range / Arthur Charles Clarke
海底パトロールPatrol (1968)

translator:福島正実 (Fukushima Masami)
cover/illustrator:松永謙一 (Matsunaga Ken-ichi)
Man from Atlantis / Richard Woodley
よみがえる海底人間 (1980)

translator:小野 章 (Ono Akira), 越智 道雄 (Ochi Michio)

돌아온 해저인간海底人間 (1983)
마크Mark선그라스sunglass에 푸른 해군海軍 작업복作業服차림으로 두 사람에게 등을 돌리고 밖으로 선창船艙에 떠 있는 선박船舶들을 바라 보고 있다.
제독提督 짐무실執務室에는 세사람 뿐이다. 도어door에는 극비회의極秘会議를 나타내는 붉은 등이 켜져 있다.
마침내 침묵沈黙을 깨뜨리고 제독提督이 입을 벌렸다.

The picture of the cover is the Victoria of Magellan’s circumnavigation of the earth. It has nothing to do with the story at all.
The illustrations are from “海底パトロールPatrol”, but this book is not “the Deep Range” by Arthur Charles Clarke.
This book does not write the original title, but it is “Man from Atlantis”. Anyway, it is an irresponsible book.
世界の動物―原色細密生態図鑑 (1982)
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer / Mark Twain
トム・ソーヤTom Sawyerの冒険 (1968)

writer:Translator:岡上 鈴江 (Okanoe Suzue)
illustrator:小野木 学 (Onogi Manabu)
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer / Mark Twain
톰소오여Tom Sawyer모험冒険 (1973)

illustrator: 정을병 (Jeong Eur-byeong)
톰소오여Tom Sawyer모험冒険 (1978)

illustrator: 황인환 (Hwang -In-hwan)
注文の多い料理店 (1993)

author : 宮沢 賢治 (Miyazawa Kenji)
illustlator: おぼ まこと (Obo Makoto), 飯野 和好 (Iino Kazuyoshi)
주문注文이 많은 음식점飲食店 (2003)

translator : 박경희 (Pak Gyeong-hui)
The Korean blogger writes, “I am a little sorry that I can not know who drew each picture of the stories”. they are as follows.
  • 狼森と笊森,盗森, Wolf Forest, Colander Forest, Thief Forest ………… おぼ まこと
  • 気のいい火山弾, Lively Volcanic Bullet ………… 飯野 和好
  • 注文の多い料理店, The Restaurant of Many Orders ………… 飯野 和好
  • 鹿踊りのはじまり, The origin of the deer dance ………… おぼ まこと
銀河鉄道の夜 (1993)

author : 宮沢 賢治 (Miyazawa Kenji)
illustlator: 東 逸子 (Azuma Itsuko)
은하 철도銀河 鉄道의 밤 (2007)

translator : 박경희 (Pak Gyeong-hui)
World juvenile literature (Kaiseisha)

World masterpieces of children’s story (Samseongdang)
The Korean blogger writes, “Though the pictures are splendid, it is regrettable that the illustrator’s name is not written”, but they cannot write the names of Japanese, because plagiarism comes to light.
The Silver Chair / C. S. Lewis
銀のいす椅子 (1966)
The Silver Chair / C. S. Lewis
(1977 Edition)

Translator: 瀬田 貞二
(Seta Teiji)
Illustrator: Pauline Baynes
The Silver Chair / C. S. Lewis
으로 만든 의자椅子 (1981)

Translator: 권명달 (Kwon Myeong-dar)
The Korean blogger writes, “This book does not write the illustrator’s name.”, but it is Pauline Baynes.
世界のオールドカー (1975) 切りぬく本
Cut-out book
자동차自動車 만들기 (1977) 오려내는 책
Cut-out book
発明発見物語全集 (1964)
Author: 板倉 聖宣 (Itakura Kiyonobu)
illustlator: 田代 三善 (Tashiro Sanzen)
발명발견発明発見이야기전집全集 (1977)

시계時計에서 오토메이션automation까지

데모크리트스Democritus에서 소립자素粒子까지

콜럼버스Columbus에서 인공위성人工衛星까지
The Carpetbaggers / Harold Robbins
大いなる野望 (1987)
The Carpetbaggers first edition (1961)
(Simon & Schuster)
The Carpetbaggers (film) (1964)
(March 10, 1965)

Translator: 井上 一夫
(Inoue Kazuo)
The Carpetbaggers / Harold Robbins
偉大한 慾望
(November 10, 1965)

Translator: 崔白山 (Choi Baek-san)
The Japanese title “大いなる野望” means “great ambition”. It’s totally different from the English original title. The Korean title is about the same with the Japanese.
The Korean book is published eight months after the Japanese book was published. It is thought that the Korean book translated Japanese.
Wild Animals I Have Known / Ernest Thompson Seton
シートンSeton動物記 (1987)
(チャイルド本社Child Honsha)
Writer: 小林 清之介 (Kobayashi Seinosuke)

The Mother Teal and the Overland Route こがもの だいりょこう
illustlator: 藤岡 奈保子 (Fujioka Nahoko)
Arnaux: The Chronicle of a Homing Pigeon でんしょばとアルノー
illustlator: たかはし きよし (Takahashi \kiyoshi)
Way-Atcha, the Coon-Raccoon キルダーがわのあらいぐま
illustlator: 清水 勝 (Shimizu Masaru)
Bannertail, The Story of A Graysquirrel はたおりすのぼうけん
illustlator: 若菜 等 (Wakana Hitoshi)
Lobo, the King of Currumpaw おおかみおうロボ
illustlator: 日限 泉 (Higiri Izumi)

Souvenirs entomologiques / Jean-Henri Fabre
ファーブルFabreこんちゅう昆虫記 (1987)
(チャイルド本社Child Honsha)
Writer: 小林 清之介 (Kobayashi Seinosuke)

せみ illustlator: : 金尾 恵子 (Kanao Keiko)
かみきりむし illustlator: : 内藤 貞夫 (Naito Sadao)
おとしぶみ illustlator: : 森上 義孝 (Moriue Yoshitaka)
もんしろちょう illustlator: : たかはし きよし (Takahashi \kiyoshi)
あり illustlator: : 金尾 恵子 (Kanao Keiko)
Wild Animals I Have Known / Ernest Thompson Seton
Souvenirs entomologiques / Jean-Henri Fabre
꼬맹이 시튼Seton. 파브르Fabre (1999)
These are introduced as “made in Korea” in the Korean sites as follows. There are no Japanese names.

“These are ‘scientific picture books’ that appropriately reconstruct Seton’s books on animals (시튼Seton동물기動物記) and Fabre’s books on insects (파브르Fabre곤충기昆虫記) with the sentences full of impressions and the realistic pictures for children!”

“We reconstruct the masterpieces of <Seton’s books on animals (시튼Seton동물기動物記)> and <Fabre’s books on insects (파브르Fabre곤충기昆虫記)> for children.
They have the sentences full of the lyricism, and the delicate pictures that surpass photographs.
They have the commentary pages that handle the background of the works, habitation places and ecologies with the photographs.
They are constituted so that children learn lives and the law of the natural system and have hearts of science.”

In Korea when you reverse a picture horizontally, it becomes another work.
In the first place the books called “Seton's books on animals (시튼Seton동물기動物記)” do not exist in America. That is the title that Japanese attached for all books written by Seton.
The Biography of A Grizzly / Ernest Thompson Seton
A Street Troubadour: Being the Adventures of a Cock Sparrow / Ernest Thompson Seton
シートンSeton動物記 (1987)
(チャイルド本社Child Honsha)

Writer: 小林 清之介
(Kobayashi Seinosuke)
Illustrator: 滝波 明生
(Takinami Akio)

Writer: 小林 清之介
(Kobayashi Seinosuke)
Illustrator: 日限 泉
(Higiri Izumi)
The Biography of A Grizzly / Ernest Thompson Seton
A Street Troubadour: Being the Adventures of a Cock Sparrow / Ernest Thompson Seton
시튼Seton동물기動物記 (1999)
the right and left inversion
Souvenirs entomologiques / Jean-Henri Fabre
ファーブルFabreこんちゅう昆虫記 (1987)
(チャイルド本社Child Honsha)

Writer: 小林 清之介
(Kobayashi Seinosuke)
Illustrator: 松岡 達英
(Matsuoka Tatsuhide)

Writer: 小林 清之介
(Kobayashi Seinosuke)
Illustrator: 金尾 恵子
(Kanao Keiko)
Souvenirs entomologiques / Jean-Henri Fabre
꼬맹이 파브르Fabre (1999)
도롱이 벌레
Lobo the King of Currumpaw
おおかみおう ロボLobo

Writer: 小林 清之介 (Kobayashi Seinosuke)
illustlator: 日限 泉 (Higiri Izumi)
Lobo the King of Currumpaw
이리 로보Lobo
이튿날, 나는 목동牧童과 둘이서 어떻게 되었나 보러 갔어요.
“됐다. 잘 됐다.”
브랭카Blanca는 쇠덫에 다리가 딱 끼어 있었습니다.
그래도 무거운 소의 머리를 질질 끌어 도망갔어요.
브랭카Blanca는 울퉁불퉁한 바위가 있는 곳에서 움직일 수 없게 되었습니다.
쇠머리의 뿔이 바위틈에 박혀 버렸기 때문이에요.
“아아, 잡았다. ”
나와 목동牧童브랭카Blanca의 목에 가죽끈을 걸어 힘껏 잡아당겼다.
마침내 브랭카Blanca는 죽고 말았습니다.
Japaneseあくるひ、わたしは、カウボーイ ふたりでようすをみにいきました。
Korean이튿날, 목동牧童 둘이서 어떻게 되었나 보러 갔어요.
“됐다. 됐다. ”
브랭카Blanca쇠덫다리가 끼어 있었습니다.
그래도 무거운 머리질질 끌어 도망갔어요.
브랭카Blanca울퉁불퉁한 바위가 있는 에서 브랭카Blanca는)움직일 수 없게 되었습니다.
머리바위틈박혀 버렸기 때문이에요.
“아아, 잡았다. ”
わたしカウボーイブランカBlanca くびかわのつなひっかけてぐいぐいひっぱりました。
목동牧童브랭카Blanca 가죽끈걸어 힘껏 잡아당겼다.
마침내 브랭카Blanca(마침내)죽고 말았습니다.
“Galaxy Express 999” (1996)

Author: 松本零士 (Matsumoto Leiji)
Cosplay of “Galaxy Express 999” by Anti-Japan ruling party (2020)
The Korean ruling party, the Democratic Party of Korea clamors for “친일청산親日清算 (sweeping away Japanese things)” and “토착왜구섬멸土着倭寇殲滅 (eradicating of pro-Japanese)” day after day.
It was revealed that members of the Democratic Party had used “Galaxy Express 999” for material of the public information following using the Japanese animation “Science Ninja Team Gatchaman”.
In May, 2018, three Diet members of the Democratic Party 정청래鄭清来 (Cheong Cheo-rae), 이재정李在汀 (Ee Jae-jeong), and 朴柱民朴柱民 (Pak Ju-min) played the characters of “Galaxy Express 999”.
Pak Ju-min plyed the main character of “Galaxy Express 999”, Ee Jae-jeong played “Maetel” and Cheong Cheo-rae played “stationmaster”. (Chosun Ilbo)

Koreans don’t mind a trifle. Korea is the country of “Kenchanayo(Never mind)” mind.
For better or worse, they have rough national traits.
Science Ninja Team Gatchaman (1972)
(Tatsunoko Production)
The poster of “Science Ninja Team Gatchaman” (Korean name : Eagle 5 brothers)
by the Democratic Party of Korea (2020)
Abuse of Japanese animation “Science Ninja Team Gatchaman” on a public information poster of the Democratic Party of Korea.

This publication explains, “The situation is that our party convention and our innovation problem are sluggish by the flood damage and the spread of new coronavirus infection! Eagle 5 brothers will advance the party innovation problem by the live concert in YouTube to break this through.”
And the photograph of five Diet members (이재정李在汀 (Ee Chae-jeong), 김남국金南局 (Kim Nam-guk), 김용민金容敏 (Kim Yong-min), 장경태張京泰 (Chang Kyeong-tae) and 최혜영崔恵英 (Choe Hye-yeong)) from Democratic Party, and the image of five members of “Science Ninja Team Gatchaman” are published.
Korean net users say, “They like the abuse of Japanese characters without hesitation very much, though they hate pro-Japanese.”, “Do they say plagiarizing without paying the royalty that should be paid to Japan is patriotism? The Japanese title of the animation is ‘Ninja corps' of all things.”, “It may be sneered (in Japan)”, “Do not appeal the boycotting of Japan products, if the ruling party does such a thing.”...... (Korea・Chosun Ilbo)
ぼくのなつやす夏休み, Boku no Natsuyasumi (“My Summer Vacation”) (2000)
(Sony PlayStation)

Traditional Japanese style house
여름방학放学, Yeoreum Banghak (“Summer Vacation”) (2020)
  • They denied the plagiarism as always. But it is not a big problem. They should only say honestly, “we referred to the Japanese game”. Why can they not do such a simple thing? Because they are criticized as “you are pro-Japanese”, if they say so. They can never say that they imitated the Japanese thing which Koreans hate.
  • The problem is the phrase “the enemy product house”. As Korea was a part of Japanese territories until 1945, Japan could not be an enemy for Korea. However, according to the forgery of Korean history, Korea fought Japan in World War II. Therefore the prewar Japanese house becomes “the enemy product house”. Korea advertises that to all over the world saying “Korea is one of the victorious nations in conflict with Japan.” A Korean claim will be used in the world before long like changing “the Sea of Japan” to “the East sea”.
A Little Princess Sara / Frances Hodgson Burnett
小公女セーラSara (1985)

A Little Princess Sara / Frances Hodgson Burnett
소공녀小公女 세라Sara (2011)
(더 모던Modern 출판사出版社)

The Wolf and the Seven Young Goats
おおかみと7ひきのこやぎ (1985)

author: 平田昭吾 (Hirata Syogo)
illustrator:井上智 (Inoue Satoru)
The Wolf and the Seven Young Goats
늑대와 일곱 마리 아기염소 (2019)
(북한 방송北韓 放送)

 This is a TV show of North Korea. Of course the performer does not know that the picture book is Japanese. North Korea does not consider the foreign copyrights at all, but it demands the fee for use when you use the North Korean pictures.

Little Women / Louisa May Alcott
若草物語 (1982)

Translator: 中山知子 (Nakayama Tomoko)
Illustrator: 池田 浩彰 (Ikeda Hiroaki)
Little Women (1915)

Illustrator: Jessie Willcox Smith
Little Women / Louisa May Alcott
작은 아씨들 (2011)

Translator: 유수아 (Yu Su-a)
Cinderella, シンデレラCinderella (1984) (永岡書店Nagaokashoten)

writer:卯月泰子 (Uzuki Yasuko)
illustrator:中井優子 (Nakai Yuko)
Little Red Riding Hood, あかずきんちゃん (1984) (永岡書店Nagaokashoten)

writer:卯月泰子 (Uzuki Yasuko)
illustrator:高橋信也 (Takahashi Shinya)
Swan Lake, はくちょう白鳥みずうみ (1985) (永岡書店Nagaokashoten)

writer:卯月泰子 (Uzuki Yasuko)
illustrator:高橋信也 (Takahashi Shinya)
The Wolf and the Seven Young Goats,
おおかみと七ひきのこやぎ (1984) (永岡書店Nagaokashoten)

writer:卯月泰子 (Uzuki Yasuko)
illustrator:高橋信也 (Takahashi Shinya)
Jack and the Beanstalk,
ジャックJackと豆の木 (1986) (永岡書店Nagaokashoten)

writer:平田昭吾 (Hirata Syogo)
illustrator:高橋信也 (Takahashi Shinya)

Korean plagiarisms・Masterpieces of children’s story for classroom
교실 학습판 명작동화教室 学習版 名作童話

Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Swan Lake, The Wolf and the Seven Young Goats,
신데렐라Cinderella, 빨간 모자, 백조白鳥호수湖水, 늑대와 일곱마리 아기염소 (1994)

Jack and the Beanstalk,
Jack과 콩나무 (1994)

writer:송재찬 (Song Chae-chan)

애니메이션animation 세계명작동화世界名作童話


アニメAnimeファンタジーFantasy (ポプラ社Popurasha)
L'Oiseau bleu / Maurice Maeterlinck
青い鳥 (1979)
Der Wolf und die sieben jungen Geißlein / Jacob Grimms
おおかみと7ひきの子やぎ (1978)
Anne of Green Gables / Lucy Maud Montgomery
赤毛のアンAnne (1978)
Dagli Appennini alle Ande / Edmondo De Amicis
母をたずねて (1979)
Masterpieces of children’s story, Animation Fantasy
어린이 세계명작극장世界名作劇場 (애니메이션Animation 판타지Fantasy)
L'Oiseau bleu / Maurice Maeterlinck
파랑새 (1997)
Der Wolf und die sieben jungen Geißlein / Jacob Grimms
이리와 아기염소 (1997)
Anne of Green Gables / Lucy Maud Montgomery
빨강머리 Anne (1997)
Dagli Appennini alle Ande / Edmondo De Amicis
어머를 찾아서 (1997)
The Bird of Dawning / John Masefield
ニワトリ号一番のり (1967)

translator: 木島 平治郎 (Kijima Heijiro)
illustrator: 寺島 龍一 (Terajima Ryuichi)
The Sailing Ships of the World
魅惑の帆船 (1976)

photpgrapher: 中村庸夫 (Nakamura Tsuneo)
writer: 柳原良平 (Yanagihara Ryohei)
The Bird of Dawning / John Masefield
장닭 모험冒険 (1993)

translator: 최영도 (Choe Yeong-do)
The Korean plagiarist knows the Japanese books really well.
NG Knight Ramune & 40
NG騎士ラムネRamune&40EX VHS (1991)
(キングレコードKing Record)

producer: 葦プロダクション(Ashi Production), ASATSU
NG Knight Ramune & 40
라모네Ramune 기사騎士 (1992)
보물섬宝物島 홈비디오Home Video

producer: 대성 프로덕션 (Taeseong Production)
Bakusō Kyōdai Let's & Go!!
爆走兄弟レッツLet'sゴーGo!! (1994 - 1999)

Author: こしたてつひろ (Koshita Tetsuhiro)
우리는 챔피언Champion (1999)

Producer: 은하銀河프로덕션Production
ナイチンゲールNightingale (1960,1969)

author:土田治男(Tsuchida Haruo)
illustrator:芝三千世(Shiba Michiyo)
나이팅게일Nightingale (1997)

author: 강준영 (Kang Chun-yeong)
Anokoni Naritai / Wakabayashi Maki
あの娘になりたい (1991)

Author: 若林真紀 (Wakabayashi Maki)
Anokoni Naritai / Wakabayashi Maki
그애처럼 되고 싶어 (1995)
Beware of the brain sharpeners / Philip Curtis
きえた4年B組大事件 (1988)

translator: 神鳥統夫 (Kandori Nobuo)
illustrator: 上野義幸 (Ueno Yoshiyuki)
Beware of the brain sharpeners / Philip Curtis
사라진 4학년学年 B반 대사건班 大事件 (1992)

translator: 윤호숙 (Yun Ho-suk)
Lobo the King of Currumpaw / Ernest Thompson Seton
シートンSeton動物記 1 オオカミ王ロボLobo (1975)

translator: 前川 康男 (Maekawa Yasuo)
illustrator: 石田 武雄 (Ishida Takeo)
Lobo the King of Currumpaw / Ernest Thompson Seton
시튼Seton동물기動物記 커럼포Currumpaw의 이리 (1987)

translator: 편집부編集部 (Editorial staff)
Tito: The Story of the Coyote that Learned How / Ernest Thompson Seton
シートンSeton動物記 8 かしこくなったコヨーテCoyoteティトオTito (1975)

translator: 前川 康男 (Maekawa Yasuo)
illustrator: 清水 勝 (Shimizu Masaru)
Tito: The Story of the Coyote that Learned How / Ernest Thompson Seton
시튼Seton동물기動物記 승냥이 대장隊長티토Tito (1987)

translator: 편집부編集部 (Editorial staff)
Le avventure di Pinocchio / Carlo Collodi
ピノキオPinocchio (1969)

writer: 生源寺美子 (Shogenji Haruko)
illustrator: 谷俊彦 (Tani Toshihiko)
Le avventure di Pinocchio / Carlo Collodi
피노키오Pinocchio (1983)

writer: 이전 (Ee Cheon)
피노키오Pinocchio (1987)
Arsène Lupin, gentleman-cambrioleur / Maurice Leblanc
怪盗紳士ルパンLoupin (1974)

translator: 那須辰造 (Nasu Tatsuzou)
illustrator: 横山まさみち (Yokoyama Masamichi)
Arsène Lupin / Maurice Leblanc
괴도신사怪盗紳士 뤼팽Lupin (1985)

Song of Surrender / Elizabeth Hunter
ラブソングLove Song (1985)
(Harlequin Enterprises Limited Japan)

Translator: 刈込恵理 (Karikomi Eri)
Song of Surrender / Elizabeth Hunter
러브 송Love Song (1985)

Translator: 김영인 (Kim Yeong-in)
The Japanese title changes the original English title, but the Korean title is the same as the Japanese.
Spell of The Island / Anne Hampson
誘惑の珊瑚礁 (1985)
(Harlequin Enterprises Limited Japan)

Translator: 英 さち子 (Hanabusa Sachiko)
Spell of The Island / Anne Hampson
유혹誘惑산호초珊瑚礁 (1985)

Translator: 이선희 (Ee Seon-hwi)
The Japanese title “誘惑の珊瑚礁” (Coral reef of the temptation) changes the original English title, but the Korean title is the same as the Japanese.
One Hundred Men and a Girl / Hanns Kräly
オーケストラorchestraの少女 (1978)
オーケストラorchestraの少女 (1958, 1968)
Translator: 大庭さち子(Oba Sachiko)
Illustrator: 田村耕介(Tamura Kosuke)
Translator: 若城希伊子(Wakashiro Kiiko)
One Hundred Men and a Girl / Hanns Kräly
오케스트라orchestra소녀少女 (1980)
오케스트라orchestra소녀少女 (1984)

Translator: 金英穆김영목 (Kim Yeong-mok)
The Japanese title “オーケストラorchestraの少女” is “a girl in the orchestra”. The Korean title is the same as the Japanese.
The Call of the Wild / Jack London
荒野の呼び声 (1967)

writer: 生源寺美子 (Shogenji Haruko)
illustrator: 谷俊彦 (Tani Toshihiko)
The Call of the Wild / Jack London
광야荒野의 소리 (1972)

Translator: 이영파 (Ee Yeong-pa)
Illustrator: 이억영 (Ee Eok-yeong)
황야荒野는 부른다 (1984)

the right and left inversion
Biene Maja / Waldemar Bonsels
みつばちマーヤMajaの冒険 (1970)

Editor: 宮脇紀雄 (Miyawaki Toshio)
Translator: 高橋義孝 (Takahashi Yoshitaka)
Illustrator: 中西立太 (Nakanishi Ritta)
Takahashi Yoshitaka is a scholar of German literature.
Biene Maja / Waldemar Bonsels
꿀벌마야Maja모험冒険 (1983)

Translator: 이주훈 (Ee Chu-hun)
(一) 飛びたつ朝
(1) 둥우리를 떠나는 날 아침
조그마한 마아야Maja가 태어났을 때 꿀벌들 사이에서는 큰 소동騒動이 일어나고 있었읍니다.
꿀벌들은 여왕女王을 모시고 수많은 수벌과 암벌이 한 나라를 이룩하고 있는 것입니다.
그러나 벌들의 수가 늘어나면 새로운 여왕女王이 태어납니다. 그래서 벌의 한 패는 그 새로운 여왕女王을 모시고 딴데로 가서 새로운 나라를 또 만드는 것입니다.
마아야Maja가 태어났을 때, 마침 이 벌의 나라에서는 새로운 여왕女王이 태어나서, 다른 나라를 만들기 위해 한 패가 떠나갈 무렵이었읍니다.
늙은 암벌 카선들러Kassandra는 갓 태어난 마아야Maja의 반짝이는 눈을 닦아 주기도 하고, 엷은 날개를 살펴 주기도 하면서, 많은 벌들이 떠들고 있는 까닭을 설명説明해 주고 있었읍니다.
카선들러Kassandra는 무슨 일이든지 잘 알고 있었읍니다.
마아야Maja는 아직도 연하고 부드러운 커다란 눈을 이리저리 굴리면서,
“어머나, 내가 하필이면 세상이 아주 시끄러울
Japanese(一) 飛びたつ朝
Korean(1) 둥우리를 떠나는 날 아침
小さいマーヤMaja生まれたとき、みつばち族の あいだは、ひどい騒ぎ起こっていました。
조그마한 마아야Maja태어났을 꿀벌들 사이에서소동騒動일어나고 있었읍니다.
みつばち族は、ひとりの女王中心にして、数えきれないほどの雄ばち、 雌ばちで、ひとつの国つくっているのです。
꿀벌들여왕女王모시고 수많은 수벌과 암벌이 한 나라이룩하고 있는 것입니다.
けれど、あまりにはちの数がふえると、新しく、もうひとりの女王生まれ、 一団のはちたちは、その女王いただいて分かれていき、
그러나 벌들의 수가 늘어나면 새로운 여왕女王태어납니다. 그래서 벌의 한 패그 새로운 여왕女王모시고 딴데로 가서
새로운 나라만드는 것입니다.
マーヤMaja生まれたとき、ちょうど その国は、新しい女王できて、 別の国つくるため分かれていくところでした。
마아야Maja태어났을 때, 마침 이 벌의 나라에서새로운 여왕女王태어나서, 다른 나라만들기 위해 한 패가 떠나갈 무렵이었읍니다.
年とった雌ばちのカッサンドラKassandraは、生まれて間のない マーヤMaja光るふいてあげたり、 薄いを、よく伸ばしてあげたりしながら、
늙은 암벌 카선들러Kassandra갓 태어난 마아야Maja반짝이는 닦아 주기도 하고, 엷은 날개살펴 주기도 하면서,
たくさんのはち 騒ぎたてているわけ話していました。 このカッサンドラKassandraは、どんなことでも知っています。
많은 벌들 떠들고 있는 까닭설명説明해 주고 있었읍니다. 카선들러Kassandra무슨 일이든지 알고 있었읍니다.
マーヤ Majaは、まだ柔らかい、大きなくるくるさせて、 「まあ、わたしの生まれたときが、とてもたいへんなときでしたの。」
마아야 Maja아직도 연하고 부드러운 커다란 이리저리 굴리면서, “어머나, 내가 하필이면 세상이 아주 시끄러울 …………”
Deux ans de vacances / Jules Verne
十五少年漂流記 (1969)

Editor: 花岡大学 (Hanaoka Daigaku)
Translator: 石川湧 (Ishikawa Yu)
Illustrator:柳 柊二(Yanagi Syuji)
Deux ans de vacances / Jules Verne
십오소년十五少年 표류기漂流記 (1983)

Translator: 김영일 (Kim Yeong-il)
15소년少年 표류기漂流記 (1984)

Translator: 편짐부 (Pyeon Jim-bu)
Jack and the Beanstalk,
じゃっくJackとまめのき (1970)

writer: はるなしげこ (Haruna Shigeko)
doll maker: 中山正子 (Nakayama Masako)
Jack and the Beanstalk,
Jack과 콩나무 (1981)

translator: 김이진 (Kim I-jin)
There is a Korean translator’s name, but you can not know who wrote the origonal texts. There is no Japanese name at all.
若い樹たち (1966)

Author: 佐伯千秋 (Saeki Chiaki)
Illustrator:藤田ミラノ(Fujita Mirano)
폭풍속의 두소녀 / 에머리 (1980)

Translator: 이애령 (Ee Ae-ryeong)
愛してはいけない (1969)

Author: 赤松光夫 (Akamatsu Mitsuo)
Illustrator:吉田郁也(Yoshida Ikuya)
말괄량이 / 니시가와 스미꼬 (1979)

Translator: 이애령 (Ee Ae-ryeong)
続赤い十字路 (1966)

Author: 佐伯千秋 (Saeki Chiaki)
Illustrator:藤田ミラノ(Fujita Mirano)
호수에 부는 바람 / 자르뎅 (1977)

Translator: 하연 (Ha Yeon)
わたしは青い実 (1969)

Author: 川上宗薫 (Kawakami Sokun)
Illustrator:藤田ミラノ(Fujita Mirano)
마지막 여름 방학 / G. 키진거 (1979)

Translator: 이전 (Ee Cheon)
Ilias, Odyssea / Homerus
ホメ―ロスHomerus物語 (1965)

Translator: 山本和夫 (Yamamoto Kazuo)
Illustrator:玉井徳太郎(Tamai Tokutaro)
Ilias, Odyssea / Homerus
호 머Homer 이야기 (1974)

Translator: 김은우 (Kim Eun-u)
Illustrator: 김광배 (Kim Kwang-bae)
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland / Lewis Carroll
ふしぎ不思議の国のアリスAlice (1966)

Translator: 藤原一生 (Fujiwara Issei)
Illustrator:矢車 涼 (Yaguruma Suzushi)
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland / Lewis Carroll
이상異常한 나라의 앨리스Alice (1968)
(계몽사 啓蒙社)

Translator:한낙원(Han Nag-won)
Illustrator:송훈(Song Hun)
A Korean blog writes, “This picture was drawn by a Korean illustrator. The binding was made by Han Nag-won and the picture was drawn by Song Hun.” (Korean blog
However, the Korean picture reverses the Japanese picture horizontally, and changes the positions of the persons, but this is plagiarism basically.
The Adventures of Ol' Mistah Buzzard / Thornton Burgess
Original コンドルcondorおやじのぼうけん冒険 (1972)

translator: 関 英雄 (Seki Hideo)
illustrator:小出保子 (Koide Yasuko)
/ Thornton Burgess
콘도르condor 아저씨의 모험冒険 (1980)

translator: 김병태 (Kim Pyeong-tae)
The Adventures of Johnny Chuck / Thornton Burgess
Original やまねずみジョニーJohnnyひみつ秘密 (1970)

translator: 那須田稔 (Nasuda Minoru)
illustrator:小林与志 (Kobayashi Yoshi)
The Adventures of Johnny Chuck / Thornton Burgess
산쥐 조니Johnny비밀秘密 (1980)

translator: 김병태 (Kim Pyeong-tae)
The Adventures of Grandfather Frog / Thornton Burgess
Original にっこりいけのヒキガエル (1972)

translator: 田谷多枝子 (Tagaya Taeko)
illustrator:赤星亮衛 (Akaboshi Ryoe)
The Adventures of Grandfather Frog / Thornton Burgess
두꺼비 할아버지의 모험冒険 (1980)

translator: 김병태 (Kim Pyeong-tae)
The adventures of Mr.Mocker / Thornton Burgess
Original みどりの森は大さわぎ (1972)

translator: 塩谷太郎 (Shioya Taro)
illustrator:小林与志 (Kobayashi Yoshi)
The adventures of Mr.Mocker / Thornton Burgess
흉내새 모커Mocker의 장난 (1980)

translator: 김병태 (Kim Pyeong-tae)
The Adventures of Peter Cottontail / Thornton Burgess
Original いばらやしきのピーターPeterうさぎ (1970)

translator: 田谷多枝子 (Tagaya Taeko)
illustrator:富永秀夫 (Tominaga Hideo)
/ Thornton Burgess
토끼 피이터Peter모험冒険 (1980)

translator: 김병태 (Kim Pyeong-tae)
The Adventures of Jimmy Skunk / Thornton Burgess
Original スカンク・ジミーSkunk Jimmyのピンチ (1972)

translator: 米川信夫 (Yonekawa Nobuo)
illustrator:大古剋己 (Ofuru Katsumi)
The Adventures of Jimmy Skunk / Thornton Burgess
스컹크·지미Skunk Jimmy모험冒険 (1980)

translator: 김병태 (Kim Pyeong-tae)
The Adventures of Chatterer the Red Squirrel / Thornton Burgess
Original おしゃべりりすのチャタラーChatterer (1973)

translator: 土居 耕 (Doi Ko)
illustrator:太田 大八 (Ota Daihachi)
The Adventures of Chatterer the Red Squirrel / Thornton Burgess
다람쥐 채터러Chatterer모험冒険 (1979)

translator: 김병태 (Kim Pyeong-tae)
The Adventures of Bobby Coon / Thornton Burgess
Original あらいぐまボビーBobbyのしっぱい (1973)

translator: 白木 茂 (Shiraki Shigeru)
illustrator:富永 秀夫 (Tominaga Hideo)
The Adventures of Bobby Coon / Thornton Burgess
아메리카America너구리의 모험冒険 (1979)

translator: 김병태 (Kim Pyeong-tae)
The Adventures of Reddy Fox / Thornton Burgess
Original 子ぎつねレッドRedの大しっぱい失敗 (1973)

translator: 白木 茂 (Shiraki Shigeru)
illustrator:小出 保子 (Koide Yasuko)
The Adventures of Reddy Fox / Thornton Burgess
여우레드Res대실패大失敗 (1979)

translator: 김병태 (Kim Pyeong-tae)
The Adventures of Sammy Jay / Thornton Burgess
Original 森のやじうま・かけすのサミーSammy (1972)

translator: 平賀 悦子 (Hiraga Etsuko)
illustrator:富永 秀夫 (Tominaga Hideo)
The Adventures of Sammy Jay / Thornton Burgess
언치새 새미Sammy모험冒険 (1979)

translator: 김병태 (Kim Pyeong-tae)
The Adventures of Poor Mrs. Quack / Thornton Burgess
Original かものクワックSammyおくさん (1972)

translator: 土居 耕 (Doi Ko)
illustrator:武部 本一郎 (Takebe Motoichiro)
The Adventures of Poor Mrs. Quack / Thornton Burgess
물오리 꽉꽉이의 여행旅行冒険 (1979)

translator: 김병태 (Kim Pyeong-tae)
学研まんがひみつシリーズseries 11
植物のひみつ秘密 (1974)

Supervisor: 太田 次郎 (Ota Jiro)
Illustrator: 藤木 輝美 (Fujimoto Terumi)
컬러Color학습 신비学習 神秘시리즈series 9
식물植物신비神秘 (1982)

Supervisor: 이형환 (Ee Hyeong-hwan)
Illustrator: 황경 (Hwang Kyeong)
Educational comics Biography series 3 Edison
学研まんが伝記シリーズ 3 (1978)
偉大な発明王 ― エジソンEdison

Supervisor: はやしたかし (Hayashi Takashi)
Illustrator: 横田 とくお (Yokota Tokuo)
一八七九1879アメリカAmerica合衆国ニュージャージーNew JerseyメンロパークMenlo Park……

おい エジソンEdisonが電燈の発明にとりかかったぞ!!
Educational comics Biography series 13 Edison
학습 위인만화学習 偉人漫画 13 (1981)

Editor: 이진호 (Ee Chin-ho)
Illustrator: 신영식 (Shin Yeong-shik)
유리瑠璃공 속의 태양太陽
1879 미합중국美合衆国뉴우저어지New Jersey 멘로아크Menlo Park……

호외号外요, 호외号外!
여봐, 에디슨Edison전등電燈 발명発明착수着手했다는데 그것을 알고있나?
전등電燈이라니 그게 뭔데그래!
허어, 이 신문新聞을 좀 보라고!
이거 어두워서 잘 안 보이는구면……
으음, 전기電気의 힘으로 빛을 내는 가스Gas 같은 ….
그렇지만, 아무리 날고기는 에디슨Edison이지만 이게 그렇게 쉬은 일은 아니야! 아무렴.
The cover is different from the Japanese one, but the inside is the same. Some are reversed right to left, because Japanese book binds the right and Korean binds the left.
Educational comics Biography series Nobel
学研まんが伝記シリーズ (1979)
世界をかえた火薬王 ― ノーベルNobel

Supervisor: 大野 進 (Ono Susumu)
Illustrator: 斉藤あきら (Saito Akira)



Educational comics Biography series 12 Nobel
학습 위인만화学習 偉人漫画 12 (1981)

Editor: 이동열 (Ee Dong-yeol)
Illustrator: 최웅정 (Chae Ung-cheong)
슬픔을 딛고서
1864 스웨덴Sweden헤레네보루그Heleneborg에 있는 노벨Nobel화약공장火薬工場.

노벨Nobel 화약공장火薬工場

이곳이 저희 연구실研究室이지요.
호오 …. 그래요. 흐음!

Educational comics Biography series Nobel
学研まんが漫画伝記シリーズSERIES 3 (1979)
世界をかえた火薬王 ― ノーベルNobel

Supervisor: 大野 進 (Ono Susumu)
Illustrator: 斉藤あきら (Saito Akira)
Educational comics Biography series Nobel
학습만화 전기学習漫画伝記시리즈SERIES (1981)

Supervisor: 유원동 (Yu Won-dong)
Illustrator: 정석건 (Cheong Seok-geon)
It is natural that you cannot find 정석건(Cheong Seok-geon) and 유원동(Yu Won-dong) on the Internet.

SF for children
어린이를 위한 세계世界 SF.추리문학推理文学 (1997)
Time of the Great Freeze / Robert Silverberg
大氷河の生存者 (1971)

Translator: 長谷川甲二 (Hasegawa Koji)
Illustrator: 中山正美 (Nakayama Masami)
대빙하大氷河생존자生存者 (1981)
Captain Future / Edmond Moore Hamilton
キャプテンCaptainフューチャーFuture (1976)

Translator: 福島正実 (Fukushima Masami)
Illustrator: 灘本唯人 (Nadamoto Tadahito)
フェニックス作戦発令 (1972)

Author: 福島正実 (Fukushima Masami)
Illustrator: 依光隆 (Yorimitsu Takashi)
Captain Future / Edmond Moore Hamilton
퓨처Future 선장船長 (1987)
Danger: Dinosaurs! / Richard Marsten
恐竜 1億年 (1967)

translator:福島正実 (Fukushima Masami)
illustrator:田名網敬一 (Tanaami Keiichi)
Revolt on Alpha C / Robert Silverberg
第四惑星の反乱 (1970)

Translator:中尾明 (Nakao Akira)
Illustrator: 柳柊二 (Yanagi Shuhji)
Danger: Dinosaurs! / Richard Marsten
공룡 1억년恐竜 1億年 (1980)
三位一体 綜合英語の新研究 (1949)

author: A.W.MEDLEY・村井知至
삼위일체三位一体 종합영어綜合英語신연구新研究 (1951)
最新コンサイスCONCISE 和英辞典 version 249 (1942)
最新콘사이스CONCISE 韓英한영辞典사전 (檀紀 4288)
“檀紀 4288” means “A.D. 1955”. This is because it is written in “Samguk yusa” written at the end of thirteenth century that “In A. D. 2333, Dangun ascended the throne and founded his country.” The book nearly 5000 years later writes a country existed. You cannot believe the country actually existed. But the Korean believes that and the government-designated textbooks write that is the true history.
Osudy dobrého vojáka Švejka za světové války / Jaroslav Hašek
勇敢なる兵卒シユベイクŠvejkaの冒険 (1930)
愚直兵士シュベイクŠvejkaの奇行 (1946)

Translator: 辻恒彦 (Tsuji Tsunehiko)
Illustrator: Josef Lada

Translator: 辻恒彦 (Tsuji Tsunehiko)
Illustrator: Josef Lada
Tsuji Tsunehiko learned at Tokyo Imperial University and studied in Germany, afterwards Russia. He ordered the German version from Prague. The book had been translated into German by Grete Reiner and published in 1926. And he translated it into Japanese.
Osudy dobrého vojáka Švejka za světové války / Jaroslav Hašek
善良선량兵士병사 슈베이크Švejka (1968)

Translator: 張萬榮장만영 (Chang Man-yeong)
Illustrator: Josef Lada
Chang Man-yong (장만영張萬榮) was a Korean poet and journalist. He was born as a Japanese in 1914 and died as a Korean in 1975.
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland / Lewis Carroll
ふしぎ不思議の国のアリスAlice (1976)

Writer: 阪田 寛夫 (Sakata Hiroo)
Illustrator: 塩田 守男 (Shiota Morio)
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland / Lewis Carroll
이상異常한 나라의 알리스Alice (1980)

Writer: 이종억 (Ee Jong-eok)
Illustrator: 김종선 (Kim Jong-seon)
Of course the illustrator 김종선(Kim Jong-seon) does not exist.
Dagli Appennini alle Ande / Edmondo De Amicis
(小学館Shogakukan) (1962)

Editor/Translator: 打木村治 (Uchiki Muraji)
Illustrator: 池田かずお (Ikeda Kazuo)
にぐるまたい荷車隊の 人たちに わかれを げた  マルコMarcoは、こいしい おかあさんをたずねて、また くるしい  ひとり旅を つづけて いくのでした。
Dagli Appennini alle Ande / Edmondo De Amicis
어머니를 찾아서
(동아출판사東亜出版社) (1980)

Translator: 이종근 (Ee Chong-geun)
짐수레의 일행一行과 헤어진 마르코Marco는 그리운 어머니를 찾아서 또다시 괴롭고 외로운 길을 떠나는 것이었읍니다.
Through the Looking-Glass / Lewis Carroll
(小学館Shogakukan) (1962)

Editor/Translator: 二反長 半 (Nitanosa Nakaba)
Illustrator: 若菜 珪 (Wakana Kei)
Through the Looking-Glass / Lewis Carroll
거울 나라의 앨리스Alice
(동아출판사東亜出版社) (1980)
Les contes de fées / Charles Perrault
(小学館Shogakukan) (1969)

Translator: 田島準子 (Tajima Junko)
Illustrator: 竹山のぼる (Takeyama Noboru)
Les contes de fées / Charles Perrault
(동아출판사東亜出版社) (1979)
(The original book) Five Lessons -
The Modern Fundamentals of Golf
(A.B. Barnes & Company) (1957)
ベン・ホーガンBen Hogan モダン・ゴルフModern Golf

Author: Ben Hogan

Translator: 水谷準 (Mizutani Jun)
벤호건Ben Hogan 모던Modern 골프Golf
(전원문화사田園文化社) (1979)

Translator: 편집부編集部 (editorial staff)
The original title is “Five Lessons”. The Japanese book named it “modern golf”. The Korean book is the same as the Japanese title.
The War of the Worlds / H. G. Wells
宇宙戦争 (1970)

editor/translator:及川甚喜 (Oikawa Jinki)
Illustrator:小松崎 茂 (Komatsuzaki Shigeru)
The War of the Worlds / H. G. Wells
(아동문학사児童文学社) (1982)
(교육문화사教育文化社) (1983)
(계림출판사桂林出版社) (1983)
(계몽사 啓蒙社) (1974)

translator: 김재관 (Kim Chae-gwan)
Illustrator: 전성보 (Cheon Seong-bo)
Many Korean publishing companies compete with others in plagiarizing Japanese books.
Of course the publishing company knows the plagiarisms of other companies. Only Korean readers and the Japanese publishing companies don’t know that. The Japanese companies have not even dreamed of being plagiarized in the country beyond the seas where the importing of Japanese culture and books is prohibited.
Scenario series of English and Japanese parallel translation №59
East of Eden
エデンEdenの東 (1955)

editor/translator:赤坂一郎 (Akasaka Ichiro)
Scenario series of Korean and English parallel translation
East of Eden
에덴Eden의 東쪽 (1955)

editor/translator:萬栄만에 (Chang Man-e)
Scenario series of English and Japanese parallel translation №32
Gone With The Wind
風と共に去りぬ (1955)

editor/translator:赤坂一郎 (Akasaka Ichiro)
Scenario series of Korean and English parallel translation
Gone With The Wind
바람과 함께 사라지다

editor/translator: (Pak Chi-su)
Simulation Books №3 Star Wars Game
スターウォーズStar WarsゲームGame (1985)

Author: 高槻逸雄 (Takatsuki Itsuo)
Illustrator: 岡崎忠彦 (Okazaki Tadahiko)
Game Book №12 Star Wars Game
소년少年 게임북Game Book 12
스타워스Star Wars 게임Game

On Her Majesty's Secret Service
女王陛下の007号 (1963)
(早川書房Hayakawa Shobo)
translator: 井上 一夫 (Inoue Kazuo)
サンダーボールThunderball作戦 (1962)
(早川書房Hayakawa Shobo)
translator: 井上 一夫 (Inoue Kazuo)
ゴールドGoldフィンガーfinger (1960)
(早川書房Hayakawa Shobo)
translator: 井上 一夫 (Inoue Kazuo)
Doctor No
ドクターDoctorノオNo (1965)
(早川書房Hayakawa Shobo)
translator: 井上 一夫 (Inoue Kazuo)
From Russia, With Love
007/危機一発 ・ロシアより愛をこめて (1964)
translator: 井上 一夫 (Inoue Kazuo)
007 씨리즈Series (1965)

On Her Majesty's Secret Service
선더 볼Thunderball作戰
Doctor No
From Russia, With Love
愛人과 함께蘇聯서 오다
The translations of the titles are the same.
“女王陛下の007号”=“女王陛下의007號” (“号”=“號”),
サンダーボールThunderball作戦”=“선더 볼Thunderball作戰” (“戦”=“戰”),
“007/危機一発”=“007/危機一發” (“発”=“發”).
The word “危機kiki一発ippatsu” does not exist in the dictionary. Originally it is “危機kiki一髪ippatsu” (The issue hangs on a hair). It is a coined word made by Japanese and “一発ippatsu” means “one shot”. I don’t know whether the Korean knows that, but the Korean writer took it.
Starship Troopers / Robert A. Heinlein
宇宙の戦士 (1967)
(早川書房Hayakawa Shobo)
Lifeburst - Jim Burns (1990)

translator: 矢野 徹 (Yano Tooru)
Starship Troopers / Robert A. Heinlein
스타쉽Starship 트루퍼스Troopers 우주宇宙전사戦士 (1998)
The Crystal World / J.G.Ballard
世界SF全集 26 結晶世界 (1969)
(早川書房Hayakawa Shobo)

translator: 峯岸 久 (Minegishi Hisashi)
Robert Venosa

The Crystal World / J.G.Ballard
크리스탈Crystal 월드Worldy (1996)
Guardians of time / Poul Anderson
タイムTimeパトロールPatrol (1966)
The Forever War / Joe William Haldeman
終りなき戦い (1978)
The Dragon and the George / Gordon R. Dickson
ドラゴンDragonになった青年 (1979)

translator : 深町 真理子 (Fukamachi Mariko)

translator : 風見 潤 (Kazami Jun)

translator : 山田 順子 (Yamada Junko)

Jim Burns illustration (1979) Jim Burns illustration (1979) TALISMAN (1989)
Guardians of time / Poul Anderson
타임Time 패트롤Patrol (1995)
The Forever War / Joe William Haldeman
영원永遠전쟁戦争 (1996)
The Dragon and the George / Gordon R. Dickson
드래곤Dragon조지George (1999)
タイムTimeパトロールPatrol”=“타임Time패트롤Patrol”. The title is the same.
The Eyes Have It and Other Storiesr / Gordon Randall Phillip David Garrett
魔術師を探せ! (1978)
More than human / Theodore Sturgeon
人間以上 (1963)
Mission of Gravity / Hal Clement
重力の使命 (1965)

translator: 風見 潤 (Kazami Jun)

translator : 矢野 徹 (Yano Tetsu)

translator : 浅倉 久志 (Asakura Hisashi)

FANTASY – VICENTE SEGRELLES (1980) Dying Inside / Robert Silverberg (1972) Seed of Light / Edmund Cooper (1979)
Lord Darcy / Randall Garrett
다아시Darcy모험冒険 (1999)
More than human / Theodore Sturgeon
인간人間을 넘어서 (1998)
Mission of Gravity / Hal Clement
중력重力임무任務 (1996)
The Left Hand of Darkness / Ursula K. Le Guin
闇の左手 (1972)
The Demolished Man / Alfred Bester
破壊された男 (1965)

translator : 小尾 芙佐 (Obi Fusa)

translator : 伊藤 典夫 (Ito Norio)

Manas Manna / Robert Venosa (1972) Cabal / Clive Barker (1998)
The Left Hand of Darkness / Ursula K. Le Guin
어둠의 왼손 (1995)
The Demolished Man / Alfred Bester
파괴破壊된 사나이 (1996)
Here are original websites     
Namie Amuro
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TV Dramas
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Super famous animations
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Tracing of Manga
Cutting Japan
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Toys of Robots
Japanese Toys
AIBO & i-Robo
Logos & trademark
Agricultural products
Seed bull
Traditional festival
[shock] Korean confectionery
Taiwanese reaction to see terrible Korean plagiarisms
Entire copies of Japanese confectionery and drinks?
Shameful fashion business
The famous stories retold for children
Korean Fakes
Korean history of the plagiarism makes our faces turn red
The complete works of world scientific adventure for boys and girls
World masterpieces of detective fiction
World masterpieces of children’s story of the animation
The complete series of fairy tales
Educational comics, The world history
Juvenile literature
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